
Designed in Europe, Vapepro is a stylish and elegant disposable electronic cigarette pre-loaded with the highest quality e-liquid. Simple and flavorful, Vapepro provides adults a safer and more enjoyable alternative to smoking cigarettes. Powered by a lithium-ion battery, Vapepro is also the first disposable device with AIRFLOW control technology to provide a customizable vaping experience that also includes an innovative child lock safety feature. 

Vapepro replaces the harmful toxins and tar in tobacco smoke with fresh flavors and lower levels of nicotine to give smokers a better alternative to combustible cigarettes. Let Vapepro assist you on your journey to a smoke free life. 

No charging, No refills, No mess. 

икона за брой дръпки

Number of puffs

800 puffs with nicotine
1400 pufs without nicotine

икона за брой цигари

Number of cigarettes

60 cigarettes

икона за еднократна упортреба

Nicotine content

20 mg/ml
0 mg/ml

икона за вид на вкуса

Number of flavors

17 flavors

икона за рециклиране


No charging, no refills, no stress!

икона за съдържание на никотин


Protect nature